For 38 years, Unexpected Productions has been the heart of improv in Puget Sound. Thanks to you we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And just like improv, we can’t do this without YOU! Please GiveBig Here
When we shut the doors to our historic Market Theatre in Pike Place Market, we did NOT stop working … and now we are back open.
- Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have served you with over 200 free online experiences, including shows, classes, lectures, and discussions.
- We are again performing LIVE safely, with 3 shows a week, and still offer online entertainment.
- We make improv accessible to everyone by keeping ticket prices low (avg. $9)
- We work with medical providers offering medical simulation…literally saving lives through improv
- We have worked with at-risk youth and adults who have experienced the trauma of substance abuse and homelessness using improv skills
- Unexpected Productions provides many “firsts” in Seattle. First to offer Theatresports in the US, first teen Improv classes, first Spanish language improv class, first improv school in WA, first improv company, first improv festival, and the first improv company to reopen to LIVE performances
Your donation, large or small, will enable us to propel our efforts to bring more shows and classes as we continue to reopen.
On behalf of the students, performers, board, and staff we say THANK YOU!